our mission

NYAPP was created in 2005 as a non-profit, non-partisan organization operating in a complex energy market. Its purpose is to advance the interests of its members and their customers and provides services that ensure adequate and reliable electric service at a reasonable price. 

The goals of the organization include:

  • Maintain a financially sound organization while providing safe and reliable low-cost energy and service to our members.

  • Develop and/or support the development of programs that are focused on reducing energy usage and peak energy demand while improving member load factor.

  • Maintain ongoing oversight of the wholesale energy market/NYISO process to achieve a reasonable cost of energy and transmission and to insure the correct application of FERC’s Order 888 and 889 as well as the NYISO OAT. 

  • Develop programs to assist members in promoting economic growth within their communities and provide for the most efficient use of NYPA Economic Development Power.

  • Monitor ongoing legislative activities in Washington D.C. and Albany, and keep members apprised of events and legislation that will affect them and promote strong and active involvement in these areas.


NYAPP President Paul Pallas with NYS Congressman Paul Tonko.



David Leathers, President
Secretary & General Manager, Jamestown Board of Public Utilities

Travis Dubois, Vice President
Superintendent of Public Works, Village of Sherburne

Tim Johnson, Second Vice President & Treasurer
CEO, Otsego Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Andrew McMahon, Third Vice President
General Manager, Massena Electric Department